Metadata Record -- Taxonomy Section
Taxonomic System
The Taxonomic System is a reference to the system of taxa used by the Classification object(s).

Add Taxonomic System When no Taxonomic Systems have been defined for the Collection a large blue box displaying an Add Taxonomic System button will occupy the Taxonomic Systems object array. Click this button to add the initial Taxonomic System reference for the Collection.
When creating or using an unpublished taxonomic Collection you still need to define a Taxonomic System reference for your Classification. Technically, only the minimal element, Title, needs to be entered. However, additional detail is encouraged.

Title {type: string; max length: none; default: empty}
Usage: Title (or name) of the Taxonomic System being referenced.The Title element is the Taxonomic System's Citation element Title. It may also be edited within the Citation after clicking the More button.
Modifications {type: string; max length: none; default: empty}
Usage: A description of any modifications or exceptions made to the classification system as described in the Taxonomic System reference.The Modifications element may be edited both from the Taxonomic Systems panel array and Edit Window
Edit Click this button to expand the Classification object making all elements available for edit.

Modifications {type: string; max length: none; default: empty}
Usage: A description of any modifications or exceptions made to the classification system as described in the Taxonomic System reference.The remaining elements are all Citation elements for the Taxonomic System. See Citation Section for editing instructions.