Reference -- Metadata Records
In mdEditor, Metadata Records are edited and saved separately from Contacts and Dictionary Records. This approach allows a Metadata Record to reuse Contact and Dictionary Records that were originally created for use with other Metadata Records, as well use the same Contact multiple times within the Metadata Record without reentering the Contact's information.
There is a lot of information that may be entered for a single Metadata Record, far too much for a single data entry page. For that reason, the layout of the Metadata Record EditWindow is divided into 13 sections. Each section is accessed by clicking its section buttons in the Secondary Navigation Bar. The image below shows only the Main section of the Metadata Record Edit Window.

See specific section documentation for details:
Main Section Collects general information about the main resource.
Metadata Section Collects general information about the metadata record itself.
Keywords Section Provides for defining keyword sets for the main resource.
Extent Section Allows definition of spatial, temporal, and vertical extents for the main resource.
Spatial Section Defines the spatial parameters of the main resource such as spatial reference system and spatial resolution.
Lineage Section Used to document the history of the main resource.
Taxonomy Section Provides for describing the taxonomic systems and hierarchies for the main resource.
Distribution Section Used to provide information about how to obtain a copy of the main resource
Constraint Section Used to document constraints of any kind regarding the distribution and use of the main resource.
Associated Section Allows for defining connections between the main resource and other related resources.
Documents Section Supports adding references to documents that are relevant to the main resource.
Funding Section Collects information about funding sources for development and/or maintenance of the main resource.
Dictionaries Section Allows associating Dictionary Records with the Metadata Record being edited.