Contact Record -- Address
Address Array
Address {type: array (obj: Address)}
Usage: An array of Address objects associated with the individual or organization contact.

Click Add or Edit to open the Address object for edit.
Address Object

Address Type {type: codelist (ADIwg codes); extensible: YES; multi-value: YES; default: empty}
Usage: The type of address, generally mailing and/or physical.Street Lines {type: array (string)}
Usage: An array of address lines. Add a new Street Line for each line of the address.City {type: string; max length: none; default: empty}
Usage: City Name.State/Province {type: string; max length: none; default: empty}
Usage: State or Province Name.Postal Code {type: string; max length: none; default: empty}
Usage: Postal or Zip code.Country {type: codelist (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3); extensible: NO; multi-value: NO; default: empty}
Usage: Country Name.The country is selected from the list by "country name" not "code". However, mdTranslator may convert the country name to code during writing of metadata output.
Description {type: string; max length: none; default: empty}
Usage: Any additional detail regarding the address may be placed in the Description element.