Metadata Record -- Extent Section
Extent Edit Window

Description {type: string; max length: none; default: empty}
Usage: A narrative description of the Extent including its geographic, temporal, and vertical extents.Geographic Extent {type: object (Geographic Extent); default empty}
Usage: A geographic boundary which encompasses the resource data collection area and/or areas of interest for the resource. The boundaries can be defined as a bounding box, points, lines, and/or complex polygons.Temporal Extent {type: array (obj:Temporal Extent)}
Usage: An array of Temporal Extent objects which define the time periods or specific time instants for which the main resource is relevant.Not implemented in this release of mdEditor.
Vertical Extent {type: array (obj:Vertical Extent)}
Usage: An array of Vertical Extent objects which define the vertical span of the main resource as altitude, elevation, or depth.Not implemented in this release of mdEditor.
Although none of the elements are indicated required, one or more must be defined for the Extent to be valid.