Dictionary Record -- Main Section
Basic Information Panel
Basic Information {type: collection}
Usage: The Basic Information panel holds a collection of elements that identify and describe the dictionary.

Title {type: string; max length: none; default: empty}
Usage: A user-provided title for the resource. This was required when the dictionary record was created but may be edited at any time.Subject {type: codelist (ISO MD_ScopeCode, ADIwg codes); extensible: YES; multi-value: YES; default: empty}
Usage: One or more codes that describe the scope or content of the information in the dictionary.Responsible Party {type: object (responsibleParty); default empty}
Usage: The person or organization having primary responsibility for the intellectual content and structure of this dictionary.
See object detailsDescription {type: markdown text; default: empty; max length: unlimited}
Usage: A free text description of the contents of the data dictionary. See Markdown Control.Dictionary Included? {type: Boolean; default: FALSE}
Usage: TRUE is the dictionary included with the resource materials. FALSE if the dictionary is unavailable or available via another link or resource.Functional Language {type: string; max length: none; default: empty}
Usage: Formal functional language used in writing the dictionary schema.
Responsible Party Object
Role {type: codelist (ISO CI_RoleCode, ADIwg codes); extensible: YES; multi-value: NO; default: empty}
Usage: Identifies the function or responsibility assigned to the person(s) or organization(s), etc.Contacts {type: codelist (contact records in browser cache); multi-value: YES; default: empty}
Usage: A list of contacts associated with this role.