Dictionary Section -- Entity Section
Entity Information Panel
Entity Information {type: collection}
Usage: The Entity Information panel holds a collection of elements that identify and describe the entity.

Entity Identifier {type: string; max length: none; default: UUID}
Usage: A unique identifier for the entity.Use caution when editing the Entity Identifier. This identifier must be unique among your Dictionary entities. If this identifier was used to link with Dictionary Attributes, changing it may break the link(s).
Code Name {type: string; max length: none; default: empty}
Usage: The code name for the Entity used in the dictionary schema.Definition {type: string; max length: none; default: empty}
Usage: A brief definition for the Entity.Common Name {type: string; max length: none; default: empty}
Usage: A common or conversational name for the Entity.Aliases {type: array (string)}
Usage: An array of additional names that are used to refer to this Entity. Each alias is a text string.