Dictionary Section -- Entity Section
Attribute Information Panel
Attribute Information {type: collection}
Usage: The Attribute Information panel holds a collection of elements that identify and describe the entity attribute.

Code Name {type: string; max length: none; default: empty}
Usage: The code used to identify this attribute. Most often this will be the table or spreadsheet column name.Note, this element is the same as the Name element on the Attribute array panel on the Entity Edit Window.
Definition {type: string; max length: none; default: empty}
Usage: A succinct but comprehensive definition for the attribute.Data Type {type: codelist (ADIwg codes); extensible: YES; multi-value: NO; default: empty}
Usage: The datatype for the attribute.Names for datatypes vary widely by database management system. The names included are the more common names employed by SQL database systems. Use the datatype name associated with the database system that implemented the entity. If this name is not included in the select list, you may type it in.
Allow Null? {type: Boolean; default: FALSE}
Usage: Indicates whether null values are permitted as the attribute value.Common Name {type: string; max length: none; default: empty}
Usage: The name by which the Attribute is commonly referred as opposed to its code.Domain {type: codelist (domains defined for this Dictionary Record); extensible: NO; multi-value: NO; default: empty}
Usage: The Domain Code Name for the dictionary domain containing the list of permissible values for this Attribute.Aliases {type: array (string)}
Usage: An array of strings providing alternate names by which the attribute is known.Units {type: string; max length:none; default: empty}
Usage: A unit-of-measure for the attribute. E.g. 'meters', 'atmospheres', 'liters'.Units Resolution {type: real; min: 0.0; max none; default: empty}
Usage: The smallest unit increment to which an attribute value is measured.Case Sensitive? {type: Boolean; default: FALSE}
Usage: Indicates if the content of the data set is encoded in case-sensitive ASCII.Field Width {type: integer; min: 0; max none; default: empty}
Usage: The number of characters in the data field.Missing Value {type: string; max length:none; default: empty}
Usage: The code which represents missing data.Minimum Value {type: string; max length:none; default: empty}
Usage: The minimum range value permissible for this attribute. The minimum value may be either numeric or character.Maximum Value {type: string; max length:none; default: empty}
Usage: The maximum range value permissible for this attribute. The maximum value may be either numeric or character.